H Ö H L E R  


Site supervision

Monitoring and ensuring the quality of execution, a regular target/actual comparison of the construction process and consistent and constantly updated cost controlling are our tools in project supervision.

Detailed reporting to the client enables complete transparency of the current situation at all times.

Elements of quality assurance


Cost control with continuously updated final invoice forecast
Professional supplementary processing


Consistent monitoring of the construction schedule
Development of countermeasures in the event of deviations


Defect management
QA checklists
Documentation of the construction process
Status reports
Acceptance management

Cost control / Claimmanagement

With the awarding of the contract to the contractors, continuous cost control begins with an integrated supplement system as a controlling tool for cost management.

The expected final construction costs are continuously updated with forecasts, providing transparency for the client and the possibility of countermeasures.


  • MS Access database developed in-house with project-specific reporting structure
  • Flexible data exchange for transfer to the client’s cost control
  • Continuous updating of cost control within the framework of the OÜ based on the award budgets
  • Supplement processing is part of cost controlling
  • Ongoing, up-to-date forecasting of the expected total construction costs
  • Reporting as individual presentation of addenda for approval and in list form
  • Overview of postings with access to each detailed posting process with record assignment (history is saved)
  • Filtering options (components, lots, booking centres, etc.)
  • Integration of all specialist disciplines possible

Schedule controlling

Based on the construction schedule and the contract schedules of the companies, the construction process is monitored across all trades.

Compliance with the agreed execution deadlines is checked by means of regular target/actual comparisons and performance status analyses.

Countermeasures are developed in the event of deviations.

Construction process

  • Performance analyses
  • Target / actual comparison
  • Evaluation / rejection of obstructions
  • Evaluation of construction process disruptions
  • Construction disruption analyses
  • Scheduling and coordination of the executing companies and specialist construction managers

Tools of the VOB:

  • Notification of delay
  • Remedy request with deadline
  • Threat of order cancellation/recourse claims
  • Order cancellation and substitute performance
  • Contractual penalties

Quality management

The aim of quality management in the construction process is to ensure the quality of execution by reporting defects at an early stage so that they can be rectified during the construction process.


  • mobile app for smartphone / tablet PC
  • Direct illustrated recording of defects during inspection
  • Location in the plan document
  • Digital output of reports to entrepreneurs for further processing
  • Alternatively as PDF or Excel lists for forwarding
  • Filter options by company / trade / component etc.
  • Free registration by executing companies possible
  • Inspection by AG possible

detection of deficiencies

Complete recording and documentation of the defects identified in the quality assurance inspections enables the processing to be checked and forms part of the acceptance documentation.


  • MS Access database developed in-house for recording and managing defect reports
  • Comprehensive dunning process in accordance with VOB/BGB
  • Undervaluation / valuation of retentions, if applicable
  • Monitoring of deadlines
  • Quality-oriented control of the executing companies
  • Reporting (project-related structure of the report possible)
  • Recording of all missing services by room in the property and by trade
  • Recording of all missing services by room in the property and by trade
  • Complete overview of the performance status of the executing companies
  • Quality-oriented control of the executing companies
  • Reporting (project-related structure of the report possible)
  • Defect log, lists of defects


Regular reporting in the form of status reports is carried out both to keep the client informed and for documentation purposes.

Contents of the performance reports

Planning status
Cost situation
Further risks
Photo documentation


In addition to the reporting system, the daily documentation of the construction process provides a detailed overview of all relevant events in the construction process.


  • Prompt digital recording of all significant processes, services, changes and orders
  • In-house development as MS Access database – Alternatively, all project-specific specifications can be integrated promptly.
  • Recording the key climate data
  • Recording of company construction diaries and spot checks of the information
  • Documentation Meetings, handovers, document exchange
  • Supplementary photo documentation of the construction progress

Acceptance management

The structuring, scheduling and content preparation of the necessary acceptance procedures are brought together in acceptance management.

The construction work is then accepted on the basis of the documents drawn up.


  • Central management of all defects / remaining services in a database
  • Recording of all open points and assignment to plan / image documents
  • Complete overview of the remaining services and defects recorded
  • Overview list of residual services according to individual criteria (storey, room, trade, company, etc.)
  • Presentation of deadlines for resubmission or removal and release notification

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